
Most of the articles can be searched in the categories section on the side bar, divided by game genre. While most of the articles are reviews, you can find more involved ones under the “Featured” category.

Collected Articles

These are pages that collect all the articles within a series for easy access.


Unique pages put together because there needs to be more guides in places that isn’t full of ads.

Patreon Articles

I write about pretty much anything on Patreon, because I’ve become one of those people that monetizes anything that I enjoy. Patrons get to access articles written on Patreon a week early.


I used to write for Phenixx Gaming, a young gaming news site. You can check out my specific writings here.


I made PDF collections of some articles. I sorta stopped because I felt that I need to do something more interesting for them than just making collected PDFs.

I dropped off of doing these until I learned that I had Office Publisher, which would make these PDFs look way cooler than me simply pasting things into Microsoft Word. Currently, the only one I’m proud of is the one for September 2017. Yeah, I really need to play catch up.